On the bus

We are spending soooo much time on the buses that it’s not funny esp. the marathon that we did from Osorno to Santiago (12 hours) and then 6 hours waiting in Santiago for the next connection to Calama which took us 26 hours and then another few to San Pedro de Atacama. Total 44 or something like that. Crazy! There is so many bus companies to choose from and the buses are so comfy that the trip is not that bad after all. Our favorite was Chilean company Tur Bus, I love the fact that they have a bell installed and as soon as the driver goes over 100 km/h it rings and he has to slow down!!
And what we up to while on the bus? Well.... our e-readers come really handy, i-pods, Lonely Planet guide books plus sometimes they have movies. For me most of all is looking through the window even if its a 10 hrs the same, boring pampas landscape I still look and admire while Bryan prefers to have a nap or read. Many travelers chooses overnight buses to save the sleeping costs. However, we travel most of the time during the day as I don't want to miss the views. Especially after leaving Patagonia and coming to Atacama Desert I couldn't stop myself from gazing through the window even though my eyes were extremely tired.
Few window shots while the bus was on the move.


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