Another capital, another big city and again same old story us trying to come and go as quickly as possible. And once again one afternoon was enough to get the feel of the place and leave. An old town is pretty impressive esp. the beautiful and striking Basilica. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I didn't carry my big SLR with me and had to lock it in the hotel because everyone was telling me not to bring it to city center. Quito is dodgy and it kind of felt like with a lot of armed police around. Before we left Poland I read heaps of stuff about this city and about precautions to take there. Even while taking a taxi….lock the doors from an inside, take the official taxis only and so on as taxi kidnappings are common. When we were walking around the city center few local people told me to keep my bag in front of me and hold it very tight. It felt a bit intimidating so we just went for a quick look when it was still light. Here is few phone snaps:

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