Polish country side

Polish countryside with its small villages, cute old cottages and surrounding fields full of flowers are simply beautiful and ever since I remember I‘ve been amazed by its beauty. That awareness that polish countryside is really special didn’t start when I left my country but it has been rooted deep inside me since I was a child. The fact that I spent a lot of time on the countryside as a kid was probably to “blame” in a good sense. I have always really loved nature and felt better out on the field rather than in the city. So I feel tremendously lucky that I had this opportunity to be a country girl, to feed the chickens, milk a cow and run dirty all day long around the fields. The village where my grandparents have a house is called Kolonia Wolica and I will do a separate post about it. Here I visited the neighbouring village Wolica Ist where I also spent a lot of time. There is still an old bumpy road connecting them both and even though a lot has changed some things stayed the same and that’s what I tried to capture.

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