Popayan, Colombia
Our first
stop in Colombia was city called Popayan but to get there from the Ecuadorian border we had
to go through one of maybe not most dangerous, but rather dodgy areas in Colombia.
A stretch of road between Pasto and Popayan that travellers are advised to
travel during the day only as at night in this area buses are known to be
attacked by armed bandits. We planned to make it during the day but ended up
travelling when it was already dark. Anyway in situations like this all the buses
travelling in the same direction tend to wait for each other and together with
armed police go in the convoy of 3 or 4 buses through this dodgy part. I spent
most of the trip thinking where to hide my hard drive with precious photos. It
was actually a little bit scary esp. when suddenly road workers blocked the
road and I was thinking yep…this is it they will come with guns now. But Thank
God we arrived safe and sound in Popayan around 1am after 11 or maybe more
hours on the bus. I forgot to add that the road was also freaking scary because
our lunatic driver was driving like a mad man. Through one of the steepest
roads so far with the most vertical mountain drops that I could see from my
Anyway, Popayan itself is really pretty and famous for its white architecture. Unfortunately my main memory from that place is my terrible wisdom tooth infection. I spent most of the time lying on the bed eating antibiotics and freaking out about going to the dentist and pulling my tooth out.

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