Pictures of Victory Beach from Otago Peninsula appeared on this blog many, many times but I can’t help myself but admire this beautiful place every time we go there. Many locals take some places for granted and maybe visit it once in a blue moon. We on the other hand go there heaps and every time we go there it is special and I enjoy it like I did when I went there for the first time back in 2006. This time was amazing too and funny that only few days earlier we were on the tropical beach of Tahiti baking in the sun and here something totally different and way colder but hell beautiful too.
Due to lots of rain the access to the beach was really hard as lots of water cover the track everywhere. Bryan “volunteered” to carry me through one stretch of water but he slipped and I landed on my ass. The next 20 min walking to the car all wet was one loooooong and cold walk:)
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