He is here!!! Our wee baby Monty Colin Scoles arrived safe and sound on Friday the 14th of March 2014 at 12:29 am at Dunedin’s Queen Mary Hospital. Weighing 3,260kg and measuring 50 cm. He took us by surprise by arriving suddenly 6 days earlier than the due date (20th of March) the whole experience of bringing him to this world was totally surreal and out of this world. I have to admit that it was very painful but being in labour for only 5 hours I can’t really complain. All that pain was sooooo worth it! Monty is AWESOME and we love him to bits!

First ever! family picture minutes after Monty was born:)

It was really nice being looked after at the hospital and having answers to all my questions and to all my concerns. Therefore deciding to go home the next day was a bit hard but we did it...

It was really nice being looked after at the hospital and having answers to all my questions and to all my concerns. Therefore deciding to go home the next day was a bit hard but we did it...

It seems miracles do happen. He's so tiny and at the same time so big suprise/chang in your life ;) life is amazing :)