Back in Dunedin

A lot was going on in the last month sadly I had to leave beautiful Queenstown and moved back to Dunedin. For over 2 weeks I was all settled in Mornington where I though I will stay until I get my NZ citizenship and then move to Australia next year. However things has changed and I had to pack, find new place and move again to a different suburb. And so I ended up back in St. Kilda which we left nearly a year ago. Finding a place in a hurry and signing the lease just for 6-7 months wasn't an easy job but we found a nice 2 bedroom house very close to the beach what makes me very happy that again ocean is my backyard. The not so good thing is that I am here on my own while Bryan continues flying back and forward between New Zealand and Australia every 3 weeks. On the other hand the good thing is that summer is slowly coming here and spending time on the beach, walking or simply reading books there is my favorite 'activity' at the moment.
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